Thursday, July 30, 2009

green book of math problems

There is a famous set of fairy tale books, each volume of which is designated by the colour of its cover: The Red Book, The Blue Book, The Yellow Book, etc. We are not presenting you with The Green Book of fairy stories. but rather a book of mathematical problems. However, the conceptual idea of all fairy stories, that of mystery, search, and discovery is also found in our Green Book. It got its title simply because in its infancy it was contained and grew between two ordinary green file covers.
The book contains lOO problems for undergraduate students training for mathematics competitions, particularly the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. Along with the problems come useful hints, and in the end Oust like in the fairy tales) the solutions to the problems. Although the book is written especially for students training for competitions, it will also be useful to anyone interested in the posing and solving of challenging mathematical problems at the undergraduate level.
Many of the problems were suggested by ideas originating in articles and problems in mathematical journals such as Crux Mathematicorum, Mathematics Magazine, and the American Mathematical Monthly, as well as problems from the Putnam competition itself. Where possible, acknowledgement to known sources is given at the end of the book. We would, of course, be interested in your reaction to The Green Book, and invite comments, alternate solutions, and even corrections. We make no claims that our solutions are the "best possible" solutions, but we trust you will find them elegant enough, and that The Green Book will be a practical tool in the training of young competitors. . We wish to thank our publisher, Integer Press; our literary adviser; and our typist, David Conibear, for their invaluable assistance in this project.


Green Book of Mathematical Problems.pdf


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