Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reverting back to layout from classic template

Reverting back to layout from classic template
Yesterday while i was playing with new layout thingy on my blog and it allowed me to edit
HTML and have all sorts of layouts, then accidentaly i reverted back
to classic. Blogger warned me u will permanently delete your widgets but still i chose to revert ...and then i found myself and my blog in greatttttt trouble..i reverted to classic template or classic blogger style there were no options which new blogger provides in layout like adding nw templates, page elements, fonts and colors...i thought there must be must option for upgrding back to blogger layout...i searched whole google and blogger official help but it didt help me out..i started exporting my blog to keep my blog data safe but then i found the great trick on http://www.blogdoctor.me i dont rember the exact link actually i found it on some blogger's help forum. Steps i follwed for upgrading back to template :-

Firstly u sign into blogger then setting then export your blog to remain in safer side.
Next note down the BigNumber code in adressbar http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=BIGNUMBER CODE, note down this code nad follow step 3.
Now use this link and replace it with your BIGNUMBER CODE http://www.blogger.com/choose-template-new.g?blogID=BIGNUMBERCODE and simply press enter and choose the template and press start blogging, then u will be reverted back to layout or new blogger features.
NOTE : In this process u may somtimes loose all the blog's data that why i asked u to export all blog so that further u could import it and get back all the blogger data.To know more about importing/exporting blog check out this link.


Summary only...


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