Monday, August 17, 2009

Peace of Mind in Daily Life

A unique program that will guide you to inner peace and happiness, and to living without anxieties, worries and disturbing, restless thoughts.

Free your mind from 'mental noise', impatience, anger, negative thinking and distressing thoughts!

Gain mental mastery, inner strength and the ability to be in control of your moods and states of mind!

A practical guide to living with inner peace and happiness in your daily life, at home, at work and everywhere.

Peace of Mind in Daily Life is a complete course in one book, which will take you all the way, from restless thinking and lack of inner peace, to peace of mind, mental mastery and inner strength. It is the product of years of studying inner growth methods, and contains guidance and working techniques for gaining true inner peace and freedom from restless thinking, worries and anxieties.

* Imagine yourself able to maintain a state of inner peace and detachment in difficult or unpleasant situations!
* Imagine yourself staying calm and undisturbed by what people say and think of you!
* Imagine yourself living without anger, impatience and moodiness!
* Would you like to be able to focus on what you are doing, without restless and disturbing thoughts?
* How about overcoming worries and anxieties?
* You can live in a state of inner peace, possess inner strength, and enjoy true inner happiness in your everyday life!
* Follow and practice the advice and instructions in this book, you will be able to do all the above and much more!

This is book that will show you how to enjoy a sense of peace and freedom always and everywhere, even in the midst of busy and active daily life!

With the help of this book you will:

* Learn how to prevent external influences from affecting your moods, feelings and attitude.
* Develop the ability to stay undisturbed and unaffected by external situations, and by what people do, say or think about you.
* Be able to remain calm, serene and mentally and emotionally composed in all sorts of situations.
* Become a pillar of strength and calmness.
* Improve your concentration ability and attain a strong, focused mind.
* Discover the real you - the Spirit - the "Inner I".
* Calm down restlessness and impatience.
* Overcome anxieties, stress and worries.
* Learn how to enhance inner peace through meditation.
* Enjoy the happiness and bliss that comes with inner peace.
* Awaken your awareness of you true 'I', the consciousness beyond the mind.

Peace of mind is not reserved only for hermits and yogis living on the Himalayas or in far away places! You too, can experience and enjoy it, while living your day-to-day life!



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